Samantha is another one of my (amazing and much appreciated) C.S. students. In fact, she works in tandem with Nour and - as I think I mentioned before - these two make short work of any task I assign them. I don't know what I am going to do next year when I might have to actually MARK a Workbook from time to time... shudder!. (Which reminds me... now accepting applications for next year's CS students). Thanks for all your hard work Samantha. You made my life much, much easier this year!
Of course, Samantha is also a part of another famous tandem at KG. She's the long-time girlfriend of Uluc B! And what a great pair they are! So supportive of each other (with their math, and otherwise) and they always look so happy together (while keeping the PDA's to a minimum. Nice!). Samantha is always so good-natured when other members of the class (including the guy on the right, in the picture above) tease her and Uluc (good-naturedly, of course!) about their romantic partnership. Sorry Samantha!
Samantha is one of the sweetest, kindest, most soft-spoken people that you could ever hope to meet. It is for this reason that it is quite hilarious when she tries to insist that she doesn't get along with (or even particularly like) her sister, Amanda. Yeah, right, Samantha! I don't believe it for a second. First of all, Amanda is awesome. And secondly, you don't have a hateful bone in your body. Can't fool me!
It was a true delight to teach you for the past few years Samantha. Thanks for always doing your best and for your determined, independent efforts. I wish you all the best next year at SFU! You are going to do great!