Wow! Someone REALLY likes the Flipped method. - I love listening to your voice!
Creepy... but kind. - I like the flip method because I can be comfy in bed and watch the videos.
Math: a sure-fire solution to insomnia (also a little creepy) - Quality of videos could be better
WHAT?!?! REALLY??!! WHY??! Noooooooooo!! (I'm not doing them over again!!) - I think collecting ROAR marks this way is better because it gives us more options and opportunities to get a good ROAR mark other than coming on time, ready to learn etc.
Because heaven forbid you actually come on time, ready to learn, etc.
(I actually know what you mean, but the way it sounds is funny) - Most of the movies are not on netflix, so how do we watch them?
Don't even get me started about how lousy (Canadian) Netflix is!! - Love your online socks and music, but get some 1 direction in the mix :)
Don't hold your breath. But thanks for the compliments. - Geez, calm down, wadge. Give yourself a break.
This made me laugh. And my wife agreed with you (a little). - The only thing about the puzzles is that but it makes me mad when students will win and not claim a prize! Like, HELLO? Our world is on the edge of WW3; at least show some type of competitiveness!
Wow!! - We've missed you in knitting club
I shall return!
And the single WORST comment.
- Love you patty wadge
I will not feed the troll. I, paDDy wadge, will not feed the troll!!!