Victor is one of KG's many "Boomerang Students". He decided to leave in grade eleven for "greener pastures" (Kits I believe) but soon returned to us at King George (it's a common occurrence). I think KG is definitely where he belongs. He's like the stereotypical KG kid (and not JUST because he is Eastern European): charismatic, loud, personable, friendly, and funny.
One thing I must acknowledge about Victor is the tremendous improvement his has made in Math - especially in his grade 12 year. Sometimes in grade 10 and 11 Victor let his "strong social skills" take away from his math work. But this year, he is doing a great job staying focused in class and getting good marks (in a harder course, no less). In fact, I have heard other teachers at our school comment on what a great job Victor is doing this year as well (way to go, VK!!).
Perhaps not everyone would agree however... Although it happened very recently, one of my all-time favourite memories will have to be the Natasha Tar / Victor Klinkera Dodgeball Incident from mere weeks ago. I was privileged to have this story related to me by Natasha herself, at bookclub. It was utterly hilarious. It was me and about 12 girls and I'll never forget them all bonding over their frustration with Victor's (and, to be fair, other boys too) painful Dodgeball shots to the neck and face. And then, when I asked Victor about it in class the next day, he seemed so authentically embarrassed and sorry about the whole thing (he really did, Natasha!!!).
I've never played Victor in a game of Dodgeball but I have taught him on three different occasions (PreCalculus 10, 11, and 12). And I have to say that he has never been anything but totally cheerful, polite, and warm with me. He's one of those (kind of rare, though not so much at KG) students who ALWAYS says "hello" and "good-bye Mr Wadge" and often even "thanks" (which kind of surprised me in grade 10 and 11 when I wasn't sure what he was thankful for sometimes). With Victor, you can tell that he really means what he says. There is nothing fake or "put-on" about him. It's for this reason that his daily greetings are especially appreciated!
Thanks Victor, for coming back to King George. I have always enjoyed having you in my class. I will always remember your expressive face (inquisitive. Confused. Delighted. Annoyed. You are an easy person to read!) which, for the most part, always had a big smile on it. May you always remain your warm and jovial self. All the best to you!