He was visiting us (well, to be accurate, he was visiting SImone) last week and we had the following conversation at the dinner table:
Wadge: I guess it's your birthday tomorrow, Jean-Marie.
JM: Yes. I will be 72 this year.
Wadge: Good birthday. I was born in '72.
JM: Oh, that is interesting.
Wadge: Wait a minute... what year were YOU born in then?
JM: 1942
Wadge: WHAT!!?!? I'll be 42 this year!
So JM is 72 and was born in '42. I'll be 42 and was born in '72!!!
This is epic and this is awesome! We were so excited. Cheering and laughing. There may have even been a (very awkward) high-five across the table. We are planning a celebration for this in August when we go visit Jean-Marie in Montreal.
And this is basically how my wife looked at us as we were carrying on...