After five years of teaching Jacquline (YES! FIVE years!! I think I have now saluted all my 5-time students! YAHOO!!) I still don't trust myself when I spell Jacquline's name. Incidentally, if you haven't heard the story of why her name is spelled the way it is (and why her brother's name is spelled "Phillips") it's most interesting.
I remember when I taught Jacquline in grade 8 - she was SO quiet. Hardly noticed her sometimes! I'm not saying she is a "motor-mouth" now but she is much more talkative than she used to be. And that's a GOOD thing! I love talking to Jacquline. She is a very thoughtful and interesting person. And she expresses her ideas and opinions very clearly.
I admire Jacquline for being such a good friend. I have seen her offer great support and affection for those she is closest to. She does not get caught up in emotion. She maintains her calm and collected demeanour, thinks things through, and speaks wisely. I wish I had Jacquline's ability to keep one's poise at all times.
Well, perhaps there is one instance where Jacquline feels the pressure: Jacquline is an exceptional piano player. She has completed grade 10 piano (which is VERY difficult to do). She and I have spoken several times about how nervous we get when we play for others. Kind of hard to understand in both our cases. I LOVE speaking in front of crowds but hate playing for my own parents. Jacquline is as cool as a cucumber 99% of the time but (apparently) feels uncomfortable playing for groups of people.
Of course, we all know that Jacquline is an exceptional student: dedicated, hard-working, and inquisitive. But she is also an exceptional person! I am so glad that I got to know you over the past five year Jacquline. I will always remember you and - whenever I think of you - I'll remind myself: "don't forget about the quietest little grade 8 students. They might turn out to be some of the most interesting people of all!"
All the best to you JN! Thanks for being so fantastic!