Maziar is a really sweet guy. He often comes in to talk before school or at lunchtime. He usually has something to tell me; perhaps its a new book he is reading, or a recently watched video. Sometimes he gets so excited as he explains things to me that he starts speaking faster and faster and faster. It gets so it's almost hard to follow him. It's very endearing and it actually points to one of Maziar's most enduring qualities: his great enthusiasm for things that interest him.
Of course the BEST example of this was when Maziar read a book on coding for his Term 2 project. He just kept getting more and more into it. I looked forward to seeing him every day so he could regale me with tidbits from the book and share his ever-growing love for the book. I can't wait to read it myself now!
One thing I'll always remember about Maziar is how Mr. Modder worked him without mercy when Maziar was a CS student. I'd go by Mr. Modder's room at 4pm (or later!) sometimes and Maziar would be in there, happily marking papers. It's another indication of what a nice guy Maziar is. Always eager to help and always quick with a smile.
I thought I was only going to have the opportunity to teach you once, Maziar (after you took that Summer School course) but I'm so very happy that our paths met up once more (for three additional years no less!). Thanks for always being so warm and friendly and thanks for your honesty and sincerity.
All the best to you MH!