Albie is another one (it seems to be a trend recently) of my students who I taught twice: once in grade 8 and once in grade 12 (even though he was only in grade 11 at the time). You might be surprised to know that Albie was kind of a frustrating kid to teach in grade 8. Not because he was poorly behaved or a bad math student. Far from it! In fact, Albie was - and remains! - a VERY strong Math student. However, back in his grade 8 days he was not the most organized fellow. He would often forget to hand in work (even if it was done!). We'd end up having little "meetings" every few weeks where we'd go through his book and take out all the things he's neglected to hand in. Thankfully, this was no longer a problem in PreCalculus 12. Way to get organized, Albie!
My favourite memory of Albie - probably yours too! - is his performances at our school assemblies over the past few years. Albie is an AMAZING pianist!! Two things about his on-stage presence which I love: (1) how relaxed and poised he is as he performs. As someone who gets terrible stage fright (when I play the piano) it is equal parts amazing and inspiring to see; (2) how much he appreciates the applause / acknowledgement of the crowd. The image that will remain with me: Albie leaping to his feet at the end of his piece, arms outstretched, smile on his face, head nodding. I love it and will miss all his performances next year. Great job Albie!
Albie has always been a very serious, thoughtful, and polite student. He asked me a couple of weeks ago "What are your plans over the Christmas break, Mr. Wadge?" and - somehow - the way he asked this simple question made it clear that he was actually interested and not just making conversation. It is this sincerity that I find to be one of Albie's most admirable traits.
It has been a pleasure to teach you, Albie! I know that you have big goals for yourself and, with your determination and ability, I am sure that you will realize them all. Enjoy the remainder of your grade 12 year and all the best in the future!