Stefan is another one of the students (well, to be more accurate, another one of the boys) in grade 12 that has, over his time at KG, sometimes run afoul of the rules of the school. I know there are some teachers who have had "run-ins" with Stefan, and I have to believe them when they relate these stories to me...
In the four years I have taught him, I honestly have never had to discipline Stefan in any way. Nothing! Not a single word. Maybe (MAYBE!!) I asked him to lower his voice on a couple of occasions but, c'mon, I've asked every ONE of you to lower your voices at least once.
So way to go Stefan! And thank-you very much!
Here's some other things about Stefan that I will not soon forget:
- the tremendous determination and hard-work that he has displayed in math class. Every year, he has worked harder and harder. He has developed into a very dedicated and serious student. Well done, Sir!
- the equal amount of hard-work that he displayed on the basketball court. Too bad there was no team this year S.A.! But it gave you more time to work on Math!! :)
- the time someone claimed that Stefan and I looked like father and son. Although silly, I can KIND OF see what they are talking about. Slim, dark-haired, wickedly handsome (ok. ok. The last one only applies to "my son").
- the couple of weeks when Stefan's abs became a KG sensation. I know that I should not admit to remembering this, but it was QUITE the sensation. Some people were literally in a tizzy over it / them (I will not mention any names here)
It's been fun, Stefan! Keep up your tremendous efforts. Thanks for always being so friendly and polite to me. You may not actually be my son, but I'm pretty darn proud of you anyway!!